Reverend Dr. Mary M. Heggie

Reverend Dr. Mary M. Heggie, BA, MBS, ThD

Reverend Dr. Mary M. Heggie is uniquely anointed for the body of Christ
with a clear and distinct voice in the 21st Century, releasing into the
atmosphere the truth of God’s word, and bringing about salvation, healing,
deliverance and restoration for the continued up-building of God’s Kingdom.
She is the Founding President of the North Carolina Association for Women
in Ministry for 36 years, Former Pastor of First Philadelphia Christian Center,
a diverse and multicultural church for 16 years as well as Associate Minister
at her home church, New Providence Missionary Baptist Church under the
leadership of Reverend Dr. Nathaniel J. Wood.

Choosing to take the road less traveled many years ago, Dr. Heggie’s passions
are expressed in her ministry efforts of spreading the liberating good news
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a national and international itinerate
Evangelist and Revivalist. Dr. Mary Heggie is also a gifted author, trailblazer
and one who shatters glass ceilings. Her advocacy and work toward people
living in the most populated but least evangelized nations has been and will
continue to be the force behind her faithfulness to God’s calling.

A Recipient of Hannah Keith S.F., Inc. Award for Women of Influence by the
Raleigh Human Relation/Faith in Action and presenter on the George A.
Crawley Women in Ministry panel for the Annual Hampton University
Minister’s Conference, Dr. Heggie holds multiple advanced and earned
degrees in Religion, Biblical Studies and Theology and a prestigious Pastoral
Diploma of Ministry from Gweru, Zimbabwe Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Heggie and her husband, Deacon Garnell Heggie are the proud parents of
three adult children and grandparents of four beautiful grandchildren.

Inspired by the humble words of John Newman, Reverend Dr. Mary Heggie’s
life proverb is: “Let them look up and see no longer me but only Thee, O Lord!”