
North Carolina Association for Women in Ministry

NCAWM Purpose and Objectives :

1. To Enhance the spiritual and intellectual well-being of women ministers throughout the state.

2. To Encourage and promote a better working Christian relationship with each other and with our brothers in the ministry.

3. To Promote and encourage ministerial professional participation in all areas of church life available to the clergy regardless of sex.

4. To Promote harmony, spiritual and Christian development with each other and all members of the clergy.

5. To Sensitize the general public to the anointing of God’s hands on Women to become members of the clergy. 


“Sisters helping sisters in foreign lands, across massive raging seas.” -NCAWM

Women in the ministry – the call, the opposition, the successes, the failures, the limitations, the effects on their families – it will all be here for women who are now experiencing life in the ministry.

One of the guiding missions of NCAWM is to assist our sisters in ministry who are pressed, distressed, perplexed, and vexed in spirit as their voices have been squandered and diminished.

Our sisters in ministry are faced with
insurmountable obstacles which renders undeveloped and crushed ministries. NCAWM wants to be a vehicle of support and encouragement where hope seems hopeless and dreams deferred.

Yearly voyages to foreign soil will be coordinated, members and friends of NCAWM are encouraged to pack a bag and Bible, comfortable shoes, and clothing, putting on the whole armor of God and be about our Father’s business in unknown, yet familiar territory.

Each affirming the role of women as effective pastors and setting examples to those who follow.

God’s faithful servants seldom know where the road will lead, still they follow trustingly.

We will only know that the promise of God who calls us forward, our Lord reminds us ‘I WILL BE WITH YOU.’

key, heart, feather-2471016.jpg
cross, christ, redeemer-6703536.jpg

“And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and yours daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall
dream dreams and your young men shall see visions. Even upon men servants and maid servants in those
days, I will pour out my Spirit.”

– Joel 2:28 29

